Mentorship designed to
excavate the
purest gold within.


Welcome to Vein of Gold

If you are seeking guidance on how to find your gold, or live it with more authenticity…

I know you will find it here.


I am so glad that you are here

I’m Casey. As a coach, spiritual mentor and entrepreneur, I specialize in helping you align your mindset to your desires so you may live a life that is big, gold, and beautiful. 

For those who are interested, I am a Capricorn, a recovering perfectionist, and an underground romantic…but don’t tell anyone.

The bat is my spirit animal. It chose me as a child. I used to relate to the bat through my love of Halloween, my disinterest in bright lights, my wardrobe consisting mostly of black, and my burning desire for solitude. Eventually, I learned my perception of my relationship with bats is…well…much deeper than my clothing choices. The bat comes to me because I create in the dark crevasses of existence. The moon guides my cycle. When the darkness comes, I have no other choice but to fly into it. I am increasingly aware of my own inner states of consciousness, and I am accepting how to be a guardian of the night…the dark night(s) of the soul. For in our darkness, lies a very powerful, healing magic.

My vision is to help you settle into your vision.

If you answer yes to any (or all) of these questions, let’s get started!

  • Do you refuse to play by the rules someone else wrote?

  • Do you truly believe there is a better, more beautiful, existence for you in this lifetime?

  • Are you inspired by the possibility of living with more purpose and abundance, but also stuck or discouraged thinking about how you will get there?

  • Do you have a BIG vision and want to create the most epic (and fun) roadmap for your manifestation journey?

  • Are you done living in fear, and realize it does not serve your highest purpose?

  • Are you ready to dispel your negative subconscious programming and tap into the realm of abundance and opportunity?

  • Are you ready to re-frame and align your mindset to more effectively produce the outcomes you desire?

  • Do you want to live with more glimmer, and uncover your gold?

Settle into your magnificence

Settle into your magnificence •

Do you know
what you want?

Most people cannot answer this question.

It seems so simple, but is rarely answered with clarity and decisiveness. The Universe is direct, therefore YOU must be direct with what it is you want. If you can’t answer this question, do not fret. As your coach, I call on you to get to the nitty gritty, and help guide you to the source of what you want and why. We get to play big…and it’s so fun.

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On the artistry of being human, in our darkness and our magnificence.

Here you will find my woven insights on the human experience, shades of reality, honesty, creating a more beautiful existence…


On deciding (and why it’s the magical ingredient in manifestation)

There’s so much information out there about manifestation, creating your dream life, and all the magical things that come with it.

I read a lot about this topic (as it’s one of my favs). Although there is SO much informative content out there, there is something very simple that is often over looked when discussing the idea of manifesting. It’s deciding. Literally, making a choice in favor of what you desire, and moving forward with that choice.

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See you soon

See you soon